This document aims to record the free, informed and unequivocal manifestation by which the Holder agrees to the processing of his/her personal data for specific purposes, in accordance with Law No. 13,709/2018 – General Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD).
By consenting to this Term, the Holder agrees that the company Emplavi Realizações Imobiliárias – CNPJ nº 00.670.232/0001-57, with headquarters at SHS Qd. 06 Cj. A, Bl. A – 7th floor – Centro Empresarial Brasil 21 – Brasília – DF, telephone (61) 3345-9400, e-mail, hereinafter referred to as Controller, and other companies of the Group, make decisions and carry out the processing of their personal data, in relation to operations such as collection, classification, use for purposes fully related to their commercial activities, access only by their employees and authorized parties, storage, elimination, and control of the information.
1. Personal Data collected
1.1. Data may be collected when the Data Subject visits our homepages, landing pages, sales stands, makes phone calls, contacts sales brokers, interacts with platforms and applications, partner portals, and enters into commercial agreements.
1.2. The Controller is authorized to make decisions and process the following personal data of the Data Subject: Full name, Residential and Professional Addresses, ID, CPF, Driver's License, Gender, Telephone Numbers, WhatsApp and Email Addresses, Marital Status, Nationality, Date of Birth, Filiation, Spouse and Dependent Information, Education, Place of Birth, Income Information and Bank Details, Profession and Experience, Position, Signature, PIS, CTPS, Passport, Reservist Certificate, Emergency Contact, FGTS.
2. Purpose of Data Processing and Sharing Hypotheses
2. 1. The purpose of Data processing is to enable the Controller and other companies in the Group to:
a) contact the Holder for commercial relationship purposes, via email, SMS, WhatsApp, instant messaging applications;
b) draw up and execute commercial contracts and issue charges against the Holder in commercial relations established with him;
c) send or provide the Holder with their products and services, whether paid or free of charge, through promotional and/or information campaigns on the products sold, via email, SMS, WhatsApp, instant messaging applications;
d) structure, promote and advertise their products and services, personalized or not, to the Holder's profile via email, SMS, Whatsapp, instant messaging applications;
e) protect the data collected and prevent fraud and any risk to the Data Holder;
f) share the data with judicial, administrative, governmental authorities, institutions and/or legal entities competent to process such data, such as the Judiciary, Federal Revenue, Financial Institutions, Condominium Administrators, etc., whenever there is a legal determination and/or obligations;
g) share the data with the real estate agent, when the purchase and/or consultations are intermediated;
h) share data and documents collected in legal proceedings in which the parties are plaintiffs, defendants and/or interested parties;
i) share data automatically in the event of corporate transactions, such as mergers, spin-offs, acquisitions and incorporations;
j) share with service providers authorized by the Controller or by companies of the Integra Group for the execution of their commercial activities, and for technological purposes (data storage, software development, sending of newsletters by email and/or WhatsApp by contracted company, etc.).
2.2. We do not share data with furniture manufacturers, appliance suppliers, or consortiums. If you receive contact from unidentified third parties, contact us through our service channels available in this Policy, and we will assist you in investigating the incident.
3. Data Security
3.1. The Controller and other companies of which it is a member are responsible for maintaining technical and administrative security measures capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, communication or any form of inadequate or unlawful processing.
3.2. In accordance with article 48 of Law No. 13,709/2018, the Controller and other companies of which it is a member will communicate to the Data Subject and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) the occurrence of a security incident that may entail a risk or relevant damage to the Data Subject.
4. Data Storage
4.1. The Controller and other companies of the Group may keep and process the Data Subject’s personal data for the entire period in which they are relevant to achieving the purposes listed in this Policy.
4.2. Anonymized personal data, without the possibility of association with the individual, may be kept for an indefinite period.
4.3. The Data Subject may request the deletion of his/her consent via email or correspondence to the Controller, at any time, being aware that it may be unfeasible for the Controller to continue providing products and/or services after the deletion of personal data.
4.4. If the deletion of personal data is requested, but there are current purposes, the data collected may be kept with the Controller or Group companies for a period longer than the deletion request, in order to comply with legal obligations, for auditing, security, fraud control, credit protection and preservation of rights purposes.
4.5. The data collected is stored on our servers located in Brazil, as well as in resource usage environments or cloud servers (cloud computing).
5. Rights of the Holder
5.1. The Data Subject has the right to obtain from the Controller and other Group companies, in relation to the data collected, at any time and upon request: I – confirmation of the existence of processing; II – access to the data; III – correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data; IV – anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data or data processed in non-compliance with the provisions of Law No. 13.709/2018; V – portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets; VI – deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject, except in the cases provided for in art. 16 of Law No. 13.709/2018; VII – information on the public and private entities with which the Controller or the Group companies shared data; VIII – information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of refusal; IX – revocation of consent, pursuant to § 5 of art. 8 of Law No. 13,709/2018.
6. Data protection precautions
6.1. Each user is also responsible for the confidentiality and protection of their personal data, and must be aware that sharing passwords and data may compromise the security of their Data and the Data Platform.
6.2. Internally, the personal data collected is only accessed by duly authorized professionals, respecting the purpose of access and use of the data, always in compliance with the objectives of their use, and in accordance with the principles set out in Law No. 13,709/2018, and with the Terms of this Policy.
6.3. When using our Platforms, you may be redirected to other portals or platforms of the Controller and Group companies, or third parties, which may also collect your information and have their own Data Processing Policy. We are not responsible for the Privacy Policy of third parties.
6.4. Our communications are sent from the domain, be aware of emails received in our name, but from different domains.
6.4. Our communications are sent from the domain, be aware of emails received in our name, but from different domains.
7. General Provisions
7.1. You acknowledge our right to change the content of this Privacy Policy at any time, according to the purpose or need of the Controller or the Group companies, in compliance with Law No. 13,709/2018 and its legal obligations.
7.2. If there are updates that require the collection of new consent, you will be notified through our communication channels.
8. Data controller
The Controller appoints Mr. Gilberto Faria as the Data Controller for the processing of personal data mentioned in this Privacy Policy, who may be contacted at the email address
Privacy Policy This policy covers the use of personal information by Emplavi Realizações Imobiliárias Ltda., registered with CNPJ no. 00.670.232/0001-57, headquartered at SHS Qd. 06 Cj. A, Bl. A – 7th floor – Centro Empresarial Brasil 21 – Brasília – DF, telephone (61) 3345-9400, e-mail
1 – Data collected during navigation:
2 – Definition of Cookies: Cookies are digital files with small fragments of data (and usually with a unique identifier), saved and stored on the device of the user of a digital platform. They can be classified as: Temporary Cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser or application is closed; Persistent Cookies, which remain stored on the device until the defined expiration date; First-Party Cookies, defined by the person responsible for operating the Platform; or Third-Party Cookies, defined by applications under the responsibility of third parties. Cookies can be categorized according to their purpose. There are those that are strictly necessary for the correct functioning of the platforms, while others collect statistical data for the purpose of analyzing the use of the platform and its respective performance. There are also Cookies used to ensure the provision of additional functionalities of the platforms, or to save the preferences defined by the user when using the platform whenever using the same device. Other Cookies, in turn, can also be used to measure the success of applications and the effectiveness of third-party advertising.
2.1 – Types of Cookies: There are two types of Cookies that may be used by Emplavi: “Session Cookies” and “Persistent Cookies”. Session Cookies are temporary and will remain on the user’s device until they finish browsing the website; and Persistent Cookies remain on the user’s device until they are deleted. Cookie Table:
Type | Functionality | Stored Data |
Necessary | These Cookies are essential for the website to function properly. They allow the user to navigate the website and use all its features. These Cookies are used to remember previous actions, such as texts entered among other navigation information. | These Cookies do not identify the user. |
Functionality | These Cookies allow the website to store user choices (such as your username, language or region) to provide a personalized experience. | These Cookies collect user data when provided and may identify you. |
Authentication Cookies | They are used to recognize a specific user, enabling access and use of the website with restricted content and/or services, providing more personalized browsing experiences. | These Cookies collect user data when provided and may identify you. |
Security Cookies | They are used to activate security features on the Emplavi website, with the purpose of assisting in the monitoring and/or detection of malicious activities or activities prohibited by the Privacy Policy, as well as to protect user information from access by unauthorized third parties. | These Cookies collect user data when provided and may identify you. |
Research, Analytics and Performance Cookies | The purpose of this type of Cookie is to help understand the performance of the website, measure its audience, check the browsing habits of users within the website, as well as the way in which the page was reached (for example, through links from other websites, search engines or directly through the address). | These Cookies do not identify the user. |
Advertising Cookies | They are used to present relevant advertising to the user, both inside and outside the Emplavi website, or on partner websites. Advertising Cookies can also be used to remember any searches carried out by users on the Emplavi website and, based on these searches, present users with advertisements related to their interests. | These Cookies collect user data when provided and may identify you. |
2.2 – Deleting Cookies: Most Internet browsers are set to automatically accept Cookies. You can change your settings to block the use of Cookies or to alert you when a Cookie is being sent to your device. There are a number of ways to manage Cookies, please refer to your browser instructions or help section to learn more about how to adjust or change your browser settings.
3 – General provisions: For any questions regarding the Platforms' Cookie Policy, the user may contact us through any Emplavi website, or using the data provided in the header.
4 – Deadline: This policy is valid from the date of its publication and may be changed at any time and at the discretion of the Privacy Committee. By accessing the website, you authorize the use of Cookies in accordance with this Policy. If you do not agree with the use of Cookies in this way, you can adjust your browser settings to not allow their use or not access the website We emphasize that, by disabling the use of Cookies, this may impact your user experience when visiting our website.
Brasilia, September 13, 2020.
Brasil 21 Business Center, Block A
7th floor | Brasilia / DF
(61) 3345-9400