The privilege of
live well
Life is made of dreams, goals set in search of fulfillment and success in all its forms and expressions, built and fueled by our greatest desires for happiness. They are like lines composing history, inspiring and shaping everything we wish to build and achieve. Dreaming, building, achieving, achieving. Privileges that merge, reflecting all the happiness and fulfillment of those who not only wish to live these experiences but, above all, share them day after day with those they love most, in the place they have always wanted to be, surrounded by everything that best represents their best moment and with the quality of life that you and your family expect. Welcome to Prestige Residence, your most valuable connection to the splendor of being exclusive. Feel privileged.
* All equipment, furniture and decorative items defined for the common areas are an integral part of the decorative set, the value of which will be paid separately by customers.
Monitor the progress of the work through the percentages of each phase.
Founded in the 1970s, initially designed to house civil servants from other states, the history of the city of Guará is intertwined with the history of Brasília, with urban, architectural and demographic similarities, not only due to its proximity to Plano Piloto and its organization, but also due to the lifestyle of its residents, most of whom are pioneers of the Capital, who put down roots here, started families and who, to this day, cultivate an identity with the city and a fondness for their origins.
With a privileged location, close to Plano Piloto and the main access and exit routes to Brasília, excellent infrastructure, ecological parks and diverse options for commerce, leisure and entertainment, in addition to two subway stations and two bus terminals, the Guará region has, over time, consolidated itself as one of the most sought after and valued by those seeking quality of life and housing in the Federal District.
Brasil 21 Business Center, Block A
7th floor | Brasilia / DF
(61) 3345-9400